“In this contemporary adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ Glass Menagerie,middle-aged single mother Farideh (Fatemeh Motamed-Aria) works in a food processing plant and moonlights as a telemarketer. Her shy daughter Yalda is of a marriageable age but her the brace on her leg complicate the possibility of meeting eligible young men. Farideh enrolls her daughter in various improvement courses, but Yalda’s intense timidity and physical impediments keep her from attending classes. Her brother Ehsan finds himself stifled at his job in a local warehouse, and spends his free time writing poetry, reading film magazines, and going to the movies. He mostly dreams of becoming an established writer and leaving his family obligations behind. But Ehsan’s colleague proves to be of great interest to Yalda and her mother as an eligible bachelor, and Farideh suggests her son invite him for dinner. Fatemeh Motamed-Aria won the Best Actress Prize at the 2011 World Film Festival in Montreal.”—New York Times